Our Consortium
The consortium presents a balanced mix of research partners (Digital Media Lab of the Bremen University and the Psychology of Human-Technology Interaction Group of the Ruhr University Bochum) as well as the companies neusta mobile solutions GmbH and Certavo GmbH.
University of Bremen
Universität Bremen
Digital Media Lab, TZI
Bibliothekstr. 5
28359 Bremen
Certavo GmbH
Im Hollergrund 77b
28357 Bremen
Ruhr University Bochum
Ruhr Universität Bochum
Psychology of Human Technology Interaction Group
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum
University of Bremen
The Center for Computing Technology (TZI) at the University of Bremen takes over the project management. At the same time, the TZI is a research partner in this project. The TZI and the Digital Media Lab design and implement the simulations (with AR and without AR) and evaluate them by means of user studies. Furthermore, the TZI and the Digital Media Lab are involved in the development of gamification approaches in the field of data protection and IT security and will design and implement user studies on this topic. A further task of TZI and Digital Media Lab within the scope of the project applied for is the definition of a process model for the development of applications and systems that conform to data protection regulations and can be used simultaneously.

neusta mobile solutions GmbH
As an expert for complex mobile application scenarios, neusta mobile solutions GmbH provides experience in the conception and development of mobile solutions for the project. The goal is the technical conception and implementation of three mobile applications, which should impart security and data protection aspects in a user-friendly, comprehensible and understandable way. Encourage the user to consciously configure the smarthome in a safe way. In this context, a combined “Usable and Privacy” by Design approach, to be developed by the University of Bremen, will be applied. In order to reach these goals, a pre-study is first carried out and possible user requirements are identified. Furthermore, it is plann ed that the current progress results will be continuously evaluated by user tests and new insight will be taken into account in the ongoing development.
Certavo GmbH, headquartered in Bremen, is an internationally active consulting and research company that deals with current issues of IT security and data protection law at the interface between law and technology. Ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) are considered in the proposed project. IT security and data protection are playing an increasingly important role for trust and user acceptance in smart home systems. User trust is becoming more and more important in the marketing of products and in compliance with European data protection regulations (EU GDPR). The Certavo GmbH will provide an analysis of data protection and security law in the context of smart home systems and will develop gamification approaches together with TZI to facilitate user access to the topic “Data protection and data security in smart home systems”. The central focus here is the easily understandable and user-oriented presentation of even complex legal issues.

Ruhr University Bochum
The Ruhr-University supports the overall project by gaining empirical insights into fundamental motivational, cognitive, and learning psychological processes in the use of smart home systems. The core element is the evaluation of the fit and effectiveness of specific visualization techniques of system and security functions. In this context, the project examines the question of how far users of smart home devices could make better and, above all, more confident decisions regarding IT security in order to enable the effective protection of their information.
Throughout the development phases of the project, multi-modal methodological approaches will be pursued, such as laboratory tests of the applications, user surveys, vignette studies, or online experiments. In line with the Open Science Initiative, the surveys will be pre-registered and their data will be made available in appropriate repositories.